Easy worship 2009 adalah suatu software yang berfungsi untuk menampilkan slide-slide presentasi seperti microsoft powerpoint, namun memiliki fitur-fitur yang menurut saya pantas untuk para sobat sekalian coba. Selain dari fitur-fiturnya, Easy Worship 2009 juga memiliki tampilan interface, baik dari sisi tombol maupun taskpane yang tentunya berbeda, sehingga memberikan keleluasaaan lebih untuk kita.

But wait, there's more...

Bibles and Songs at your fingertips
No more typing Scriptures and song lyrics by hand! EasyWorship gives you instant, drag-and-drop access to your song library as well as dozens of the most popular Bible translations.*Organize and access media

Transition smoothly
Logo, Black and Clear buttons put popular transitions—like fade to black/logo or fade text—right at your fingertips. 100+ additional effects are available as pre-set slide-to-slide transitions.Import lyrics from CCLI's SongSelect

Instant nursery and stage alerts
Keep parents informed with customizable, on-screen Nursery Alerts. Use Message Alerts to send customizable, scrolling messages to the audience or to Display Foldback screens for the stage.
Create custom clips from a DVD
Use EasyWorship's DVD editor to queue up a scene from a movie for your next sermon illustration. Instant spin up technology and single-click playback deliver exactly what you want when you want it.
Download new backgrounds
Shop popular new mini-movies and motion backgrounds from inside EasyWorship. Use the integrated media store to browse and download media without opening a browser.
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