08 March 2012

Daftar Google Adsense

Pada postingan kali ini saya ingin bertanya kepada sobat semua tentang cara membuat account di google adsense. Pada beberapa hari yang lalu saya sempat mendaftar di google adsense dan hasilnya di tolak lagi. Sudah saya cari permasalahan ini di Om google tapi sampai sekarang saya belum juga berhasil memecahkan masalah ini. Adapun isi surat penolakan dari google adsense yang isinya sebagai berikut.


As mentioned in our welcome email, we continue to review your AdSense
application once AdSense code is placed on your sites. As a result of this
review, we have disapproved your account for the following violation(s).


- Site does not comply with Google policies


Further detail:

Site does not comply with Google policies: We're unable to approve your
AdSense application at this time because we feel that your site does not
comply with Google AdSense policies or webmaster quality guidelines. It's
our goal to provide our advertisers sites that offer rich and meaningful
content, receive organic traffic, and allow us to serve well-targeted ads
to users. We believe that currently your site does not fulfill this

For more details, please read the webmaster quality guidelines at
http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=35769 and
the AdSense program policies a


To update and resubmit your application, please visit
http://www.google.com/adsense and sign in using the email address and
password you submitted with your application. Our specialists will review
your account for compliance with our program policies, so please make sure
to resolve all of the issues listed above before resubmitting.

For more information, visit our Help Center:
http://www.google.com/adsense/support/as or search the AdSense Help Forum,
where a community of publishers shares AdSense best practices:
http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/AdSense. Representatives of Google
AdSense also participate in discussions.


The Google AdSense Team

Nah apabila ada sobat yang tahu tentang bagaimana memecahkan masalah ini mohon sobat berbagi tips atau ilmunya dengan cara berkomentar di bawah postingan saya ini. Terima Kasih :D


  1. Daftar GA emang rumit, poin isi email diatas mungkin lebih mengarah ke domain blog sobat yg menggunakan sub domain. Ada beberapa blogger dengan sub domain yg berhasil membuat akun GA, tapi puratanya karena mereka menggunakan blog lain yg berdommain top level saat mendaftar akun, makanya mereka dgn mudah bisa memasang GA di blog yg memakai sub domain.

  2. Saya juga dapat pemberitahuan itu tapi pas saya baca blog ini baru saya tahu jawabannya.



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